Intellectual Faith: Introducing Ismaili Gnosis Premium Content
We now offer premium articles & occasional Q/A Sessions for paid subscribers
“Ismaili Gnosis has unceasingly provided nourishment for my soul. The content on their website, when followed in its logical progression, rebuilds one’s faith and religious convictions.”
Testimonial from Navid Amiri
(MA Comparative Religion, University of Chicago)
With great excitement and enthusiasm for what is to come, Ismaili Gnosis is proud to launch a new Premium Paid Subscription service in addition to our Free Subscription offering. We invite our readers and supporters to sign up as Paid Subscribers to access all of the Premium benefits.
What Ismaili Gnosis Offers to Premium Paid Subscribers (USD $10/month, $100/year, or $250/year founding member):
Exclusive Premium scholarly articles on a regular basis covering Ismaili history, theology, and ritual; examples include the esoteric meaning (ta’wil) of Qur’anic verses; detailed analyses of Islamic ritual practices such as Fasting, Hajj and Salat; special topics in Ismaili history and Ismaili philosophy;
Full access to the Ismaili Gnosis Archive of Free and Premium Articles;
Premium Subscribers are invited to occasional Zoom sessions with Ismaili Gnosis Scholars to ask questions and discuss Ismaili-related topics;
Some Examples of Upcoming Premium Content:
History and Explanation of the Imam’s Horse Racing Operation
Why Ismailis Seek Forgiveness of Sins from the Imam
Do Ismailis Worship Hazar Imam as Allah (God)?
Is Praying to the Imam a form of idol-worship?
“Ismailis are NOT Muslims": How to Respond to Takfir
Spiritual Explanations of the Holy Du‘a
What Happens to the Soul after Death: Ismaili Eschatology
“I always read Ismaili Gnosis and I absolutely love it. I think every Ismaili my age needs to read your website: the articles you write are so important, convincing, and relevant.”
Testimonial from an American Ismaili Doctor
What Ismaili Gnosis Offers to Free Subscribers :
Occasional scholarly articles on Ismaili topics of wide public and Jamati interest including: the roles of the Imam of the Time, the history and meaning of Ismaili rituals, and the rational and Quranic basis of Ismaili beliefs;
Full access to all free and past Ismaili Gnosis articles on all platforms;
“The Ismaili Gnosis website is a great service to our youth. I now know many who have gone to the site and read the articles and I’ve seen these being instrumental in helping Jamati members understand concepts of our faith.”
Testimonial from a Canadian Ismaili Professional
“Every single article is beautifully written and so eye opening. It's not easy to find the people with perfect answers to questions regarding faith in our community in Pakistan.”
Testimonial from Pakistani Ismaili Professional
Why Introduce a Paid Subscription?
For over ten years, we have published scholarly articles on Ismaili history, theology, spirituality, and ritual practices and addressed religious topics that the Ismaili Jamat and public have expressed great interest in. However, to continue the work of Ismaili Gnosis in the long term and produce high quality research content on a regular basis, we recognize that we require the financial support of our readership. To be able to dedicate the necessary time and attention to producing quality scholarship for our readers, it is necessary for Ismaili Gnosis Scholars to be adequately remunerated for the countless hours of academic research, translation, and writing that goes into producing new articles.
A revenue stream will also allow Ismaili Gnosis scholars to focus on producing Ismaili scholarship on a full-time basis for the long term rather than being something they can only pursue in their limited free-time outside of working hours. Finally, subscription revenue will allow Ismaili Gnosis to cover expenses, promote Ismaili Gnosis more widely through sponsored ads, invest in better technology, and expand operations into in-person media such as conferences and presentations in other cities.
While we will continue to make available some articles for the benefit of all subscribers (paid and free), with the help and support of our readers, we will be in a position to produce much-needed, well-researched educational and inspirational content for premium subscribers without whom such work will not be possible.
We are excited to cover the various topics that many of our readers have requested us to address. We are grateful for all your continued support as we take Ismaili Gnosis to the next level!