Video: What is the Ismaili View of the Prophet's Mi‘raj?
Dr. Khalil Andani explains the Ismaili understanding of the Prophet's Mi'raj
Dr. Khalil Andani, an Assistant Professor of Religion and intellectual historian of Islamic thought, explains the Shi‘i Ismaili Muslim understanding of the Prophet’s Mi‘raj using Ismaili primary sources from the Holy Imams and the great Ismaili philosophical Da‘is.
Click Here to read Ismaili Gnosis’ full-length research article on the Prophet’s Mi‘raj.
Dr. Khalil Andani is an Assistant Professor of Religion at Augustana College. He holds a Ph.D., Master of Arts and MTS degrees in Islamic Studies from Harvard University. Dr. Andani is an intellectual historian of the Qur’an, Islamic theology, Islamic philosophy, and the Ismaili tradition. He is also a contemporary Islamic philosopher of religion focusing on Islamic Neoplatonism and Ismaili thought. The above video was published on Khalil Andani’s YouTube Channel “Thinking Islam”. He may be contacted at