Indeed, this article was overdue. It can help both the followers and other interfaith people in great deal to understand the Imam’s authority and Ismaili faith and practice.

One of Allah’s attributes is Al-Shafi, ( Allah is the healer of ailments), but he has foreordained and placed therapeutic and healing powers in herbs, plants and chemicals. Likewise, Allah has granted certain powers to His chosen people at different times. It’s a very appropriate biblical relevance of Jesus’s authority quoted in the article to bring home to the reader that both removal of ailments or sins is within God’s permission and through His authority granted to wherever and whosoever He has willed.

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Indeed you have gone astray from islam. How do you compare with scriptures which called jesus son of God? If you are Shia descent then the correct scripts to follow is Quran and Sunnah of Muhammad s.a.w.s. Did the prophet anywhere in his history forgave sins of people? Instead he guided the people to ask Allah for all their needs not him. Anyone who shall Associate partners with Allah has indeed done shirk. Also from your narrative I have one question if you can answer. Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s, Ali, Hassan, Hussein all the sahaba, Imams prayer in the masjid 5 namaz. As per your Aggakhan article when asked he said he prays in masjid, then who I yu pray to in Jamatkhana? Why does Aggakhan not pray in Jamatkhana.? If you want true guidance from Allah open Quran and read with open heart insha'Allah you will get true guidance

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Your claim that the Prophet never forgave people is inaccurate and incorrect. Refer to Sura al-Tawbah (9) Ayat 103 which says: "Take from their wealth (Muhammad) a charity, purifying them and cause them to increase by it, and bless upon them. Indeed your blessings are a reassurance for them."

When Allah instructs the Prophet to take from our wealth a charity, purifying them and cause them to increase by it, this is a form of the Prophet forgiving the individual. The definition of purifying is to clear from material defilement or imperfection, to free from guilt or moral or ceremonial blemish and to free from undesirable elements. It also means to grow or become pure or clean.

So the act of purifying is analogous and synonymous with forgiveness.

Additionally during His farewell pilgrimage sermon at Ghadir Khumm the Prophet asked the Muslims gathered does He not possess more right and claim over the lives of the believers than they have themselves? The Muslims responded saying yes, we testify and agree that you do. This statement designated the position of the Prophet as being the Mowla of the believers and the definition of Mowla, coming from Waw-Lam-Ya means "defender, protector, protecting benefactor, helper, ally, successor, heir, guardian, patron, owner, master, the one to whom one turns to for help."

The definition of protecting is to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage or loss, supervision or support of one that is smaller and weaker. The definition of benefactor is someone or something that provides help or an advantage, one that confers a benefit. This definition alone can lead to the conclusion that as the Molwa of the believers Prophet Muhammad kept the believers safe from injury damage or loss (which can be another word for sin and vice) through his supervision or support of the believers who are smaller and weaker than Him. As the benefactor He provided help or advantage by intercession to Allah in pardoning the sins of the believers on behalf of Him.

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Do not join partners with Allah!! It’s SHIRK!! Unforgivable Sin in eyes of Allah!! Ismailis will never never tell you that!!

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But can you compare Jesus’s spiritual characteristics vs MHI?? NO! None at all! Zilch! Not even close

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Lots of Ayaat in Al Quran: Surah:46-4

Do you see what you invoke besides Allah? Show me what it is that they have created on earth or in heavens.

And who is more astray than one who invokes besides Allah, such as will not answer him to the day of judgement, and in fact are unconscious of their call to them?

Worshipping other than Allah is no no. And MHI is not Allah or his messenger or not even from linage of Mohammed sas. It’s all Fake!

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