I very much appreciate it to receive regular posts, especially the timely ones. Very enlightening. This is something I can refer to when I'm having conversation with non Ismaili or non Shia friends,

Thank you. Proud to be an ISMAILI.

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Thanks for the feedback and support. Please do share the site or the info with others in your relevant conversations.

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Thank you for another great post.

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It's our pleasure and purpose, and y'all's support gives us extra encouragement to keep doing what we already love to do.

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Excellent job on the explication of the hadith made at Ghadi-e-Khumm. The most significant point being that Prophet Muhammad defined, for all those that had accompanied him, the context in which Mowla is to be used in regards to Mowlana Ali. The Prophet stated bodly, do I not possess more right over the life of the belivere than the does himself? Thus, when proclaiming the famous declaration, 'He whose Mowla I am, Ali is his Mowla," the Prophet had instructed the people who are gathered the context of the word Mowla.

It is also interesting to note here that the first person to offer bayyah to Mowlana Ali after this incident was the soon to be second Caliph of Islam, Omar. When he went to congratulate Mowlana Ali, the Prophet corrected Omar and instructed him to refer to Mowlana Ali as Amir-ul Mumineen.

Never the less, this leaves no ambiguity over the correct interpretation of the word Mowla.

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You are doing a great job. MashaAllah!

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Thank your for sharing this great write-up on Ghadhir Khumm. Really appreciate your efforts!

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