Unity in allegiance to 49th Imam and Fatimi Khalifatullah, the divinely chosen guide of our age is the solution in the light of verse 3:103.

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Oct 20, 2023·edited Oct 20, 2023

Strange, this article got posted on October-8th 2023, not sure why the author never thought about posting it before but has referenced articles from 2010 and earlier during which the middle east uprising and Hamas and Islamic Jihad (hope the World knows now based on their deeds) were different than they are as of October 2023. Anyways, Ismaili Ginosis is not an official website to represent the community but we all live in free speech movement (which has its own cost (or benefits) to community and eventually the faith).

Freedom of Palestine has now taken the political shape and it cannot be linked to justify any atrocities of October-7th massacre or any related future attack to civilian of Israel or its allies, which unfortunately the people of Palestine (or the terror groups behind it) seem to propagate internationally that as of today and has potential threat to people practicing Abrahamic faith (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) in the developed countries.

I guess, in future, the results will be out behind such "free Palestine" whereas the Islamic nations and community should be actually condemning the October-7th 2023 event but strangely it has taken different tone after the attack

Ref: https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/international-reactions-hamas-attack-israel

One thing is for sure, the terror group and its allies countries be it Lebanon, Iran seems to play politics in the name of Islam (probably to bring Sunni countries as well in this movement) . It will be challenging, specially for the underdeveloped or developing nations where the free speech and the factual and anecdotal information is either holded or changed by a Leftist leader or a religious group, (even a missile failure launched by Islamic Jihad on Gaza hospital is blamed to Israel) and there are countless information which gets twisted in these countries, where atrocities against Palestine's own people or their neighbors like Israel have risen significantly because of malicious groups of ISIS, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and similar terror groups.

Use of "Islam" in politics and violence unfortunately has costed to faith faith itself, to its own leaders of past. be it the war of Karbala or 9/11. Ultimately war is the outcome from these and that leads to loss of life, disaster of its own political territory and economic downfall for people who are in these countries.

There is only 1 motive behind all this as per FBI and intelligence: The One Khilafat movement and has nothing to do with "Islam". May Allah guide the righteous.

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Your comment is shallow and your knowledge as per this situation is none. It’s not about Islam or any religion at this point. Palestinians have suffered enough through the hands of Israel for decades this massacre has been happening.

And fighting back for your defence and your land and life is not called terror group rather it’s called resistance group. Example you take in a needy family in your home you offer them roof a place to stay and food to eat but they start abusing your kindness and slowly take over your house kick you out of your own house kill your family or highly injure them. And then when you’ve had enough and you defend yourself and your house and family you’re called a terrorist and are treated worse for defending yourself. What would you do? How’d you feel?

Israel to begin with never existed that land is Palestine and will always be theirs.

Even from Jewish religion the land of Palestine was forbidden for them when they refused to help Moses . They were kicked out of that land thrice and the third and last time they were permanently kicked out as a punishment. And they were told when the time comes the messiah will come and that’s when you can go back to your land. This is from the Jews book.

Even as factually in history when Arabs came to Palestine they settled their and then had put less tax for Muslims so most of the Jews converted and the once who didn’t because of the taxes left for Hungary or Germany and when later after the N@zis reign when Palestine opened their arms for the holocaust survivors those the ones settled in other countries for decades came back. They never belonged to Palestine as their ancestors weren’t from there.

I hope you open some books and read well enough on this. This is not only about religion it’s about humanity now. And it would be a great thing if Muslims for the sake of even their religion unite and do what’s right.

And if you find actual evidence of the 7th Oct incident as it was quite some time ago debunked that these were false.

I’m a proud Ismaili but I think it’s high time we Ismailis take a stand as well and be on the right side for the sake of humanity. On the day of the judgement our Lord the greatest Allah will question us of what we did.

Being neutral in such situations only means you’re support what the oppressors are doing .

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I see your comment where you come from because media is today biased for example Al-Jazeera which is backed by Qataris government has been brainwashing its viewers for the Hamas carnage. Qatar you know backs Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. Although Iran funds those Hezbollah big time.

Being in west we get uncensored and unbiased news compared to India, Pakistan and middle east where media are directly and in-directly controlled or biased by government and sometime improper social media channels like Whatsapp and others. Recently we in west got news that some armed Israelis in west bank do torture poor unarmed Palestenians but this has been started after October-7th massacre after Hamas & Islamic jihad killed and butchard Israelis.

I am not a historian but a global citizen from west and you may be right as per information presented to you by your country media channels and may be Jews are right as well because as per Torah its their land. Still today Israelis respect Al-Aqsa and there are muslims in Israel who have been privilged over Jews as muslims pray inside and jews pray outside the Al-Aqsa. But this is not about Jews or muslims but it is about standing for right for October-7th massacre

I am sure you are blindsided by your country's or Whatsapp media forwarded by your friends but I will list you the official channels below from various part of official global news channels (unbiased), hope your country government hasn't banned these as I sense it it may be

I still can't digest your statement "And if you find actual evidence of the 7th Oct incident as it was quite some time ago debunked that these were false.". Lol.

Viewer discretion is advised as these are the images of unarmed women, babies victims of Israel who were massacred during the October-7th which I guess most Whatsapp forwards don't show it.





There are much more which is available and I have seen it but not appropriate for sensitive people. This carnage cannot justify any freedom or political fight. Hopefully IDF which recently released more images to global media will release to world soon. The educated military is not going to stop even if somebody thinks this is "debunked". May Allah protect the righteous.

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wow Shaz, this is a condescending response that doesn’t even stand the test of 25 days. Western media has disappointed its readers and viewers with false information on this conflict, largely unverified israeli state propaganda, for weeks on end. it’s all being debunked by fellow western outlets, independent journalists and subject matter experts. Shaz, it’s important to take a more critical look at the media you consume; American media is far from unbiased. just a single glaring and recent example: the new york times took us to iraq over “weapons of mass destruction” they knew they had no proof of. Our faith requires you to use your intellect and the imam says to never stop learning and seek a lifelong education. this topic is one where there is a rich journey of unlearning the heavily biased American perspectives you have assumed to be “the truth”

and yes i am born raised and educated in the west. i can assure you that wherever @anousha is from, their sentiments are increasingly popular across the western world

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I guess empathy towards millions of homeless muslims in Gaza is justifiable as the residents of Gaza themselves don't support the ideology of Hamas and the associated terror groups. But the carnage by Hamas is not justifiable. There are rules to fight a war, but a militia who crosses border be it crossing Gaza or crashing the airplanes on foreign country (in 9/11) and kills innocent unarmed people is considered terrorism. No country will tolerate that.

Some of the middle east wars in past are definitely political as middle east leaders be it Saddam Hussein of Iraq or Gadhafi of Libya had their viewpoints and other intelligence equipment's be it nuclear or otherwise (its in dark web what they were holding on) that they failed to comply and so US wiped them off.

Syria and probably Pakistan and Iran agrees or worse complies to US policies be it nuclear and military co-ordination and so they are untouched by US missiles as of today.

Why don't we justify 9/11 because we lost our own Ismaili brothers in the WTC towers and the racism harassement took place against muslims in US and Europe after that and we witnessed it compared to justifying the carnage of October-7th massacre of innocent women and babies and care-takers who are still in captive in the tunnels as I type?

The sentiments may be popular by whichever group comes in front of embassies and shouts "Free Palestine" on October 8 or after that to distract the carnage but the intelligence and the powerful military knows the real ground scene.

Ofcourse the Whatsapp forwards will always keep away people away from real news and so some viewpoints if you don't read the real unbiased publicized news of developed world. We still want to live in US/Canada but support the ideology in middle east who still want women to cover up, mandatory fast during Ramadan (or show up to fast when a muslim is really not fasting). Aren't we questioning our own identity when we support such terror groups of Hamas who never protected its citizens and they even today loot the aide that is meant for distressed Gaza people (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnVST02SFfc)?

No religion including Islam supports killing and raping of women or torturing its own citizens or their "enemies" that as far as I know.

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I'm a little worried to ask, but I'm curious now if your sentiments and understanding has changed?

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Indeed 🙏👌 thank you! Is there any YouTube video so we can watch ?

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Mashallah😊😊 ya moula e zamana

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What a disgrace aga khan is and a coward of the highest level! Political members from every corner of the earth are speaking out in favor of Palestine and Muslims in general. Religion doesn't matter when a genocide is currently happening as in Palestine. Followers of aga khan are NOT Muslim. You have altered the word of Allah.

-former Ismaili

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

Dear former Ismaili,

Is a real "Muslim" still a Muslim if he commits shirk and judges the Imaan of other Muslims? A real Muslim would not only know the answer to this question, he would never have the audacity to exclude a Muslim from the faith of Islam, as per the Quranic edict that once a person utters the Shahada, they are Muslim in Allah's definition and only Allah knows who are Mu'meen (a person who has submitted to God in their heart). As you may know, Ismailis collectively declare the Shahada in Jamatkhana ceremonies several times, day and night, EVERYDAY Alhumdulillah.

As for trying to shame the Aga Khan, the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad and one who has dedicated his life to the betterment of humanity, is simply petulant and hypocritical. Please show me a single human being who has done equal to or more for humanity that would judge him to be less than an angel. Easy to sit and judge without a clue about Islam or the office of the Imamate repeatedly declared in the Quran.

It's one thing to receive ignorant judgement from a non Muslim but a person who turned away from the Imam after being initiated into the faith and judging it by the measures and lense of its detractors is sad indeed. I follow and love the Imam as per the Sunna and the Quran because I am Muslim following the Quran and It's qualified interpreter (as opposed to ill informed "self/friend proclaimed scholars"...

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